
paola panzera

Teacher: Marco Catani

Team: Sindhura Jakkampudi, Matteo Barone, Diego Bernal, P.P.

Group project: Usability of ATM Kiosk

Goal: Review the ATM Kiosk user interface in order to make it more usable, metrics to take into account are: errors generated, time taken to complete the task, usability.

Description: We started from "LIVE" analysis of users that were buying tickets from the ATM Kiosk. We created "personas" and we defined actual barriers, user needs.

Actual barriers:

  • right information is not in the right place
  • time consuming
  • not easy clickable
  • bad experience in the payment methods
  • lack of navigation

User needs:

  • time saving
  • information
  • destinator navigator
  • recharge
  • easy interface
  • complete map

Our project is based on these points:

  • access anywhere and anytime
  • time saving
  • prioritizing the users
  • faster payment methods
  • user friendly
  • eco friendly
  • no standing in queque