
paola panzera

Teacher: Andy Scupelli

Project: Time Ticket

Goal: Offer new luxuries - of time and personalised experiences - using digital tools. I sketch an experience that focuses on trasmitting all the values and qualities of a service.

Description: Time Ticket is an online company that wants to give you the opportunity to partecipate and live in any place where you are (at home, at work...) on that shows, on that concert, on that theathral show. So the intention is to give you an emotion as much as possible of that event that you would like to see live but you don't have time. The company provides cameras in these cultural, music and theater events with a resolution so high that you're there and living that emotion. It's a unique experience. We want to give a sense on the time, because time is a luxury.

Luxury Values:

Financial value

Functional value

Social value

Individual value